Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Free Computer Lessons

Every Friday morning in the libary at 9.00 am in the school term, we have Mr Monitor, who will be available to teach basic computer skills. The lessons will start from, learning how to turn the computer on to writing documents, sending emails and uploading photos from your digital camera. The library has eight public computers, so register your interest as soon as possible as, there are limited numbers.

To reduce eye strain whilst using your computer, you should give your eyes a healthy workout. Keeping your back and neck straight and your head still, look as high as possible, then look down. Repeat this 10 times. Next, close and rest your eyes for about 30 seconds. Do this on a daily basis, to prevent eye strain.

School Holiday Activities

During the July school holidays, the library will be offering some fantastic craft activities in the craft corner of the library. During the first week in Monday and Wednesday at 9.00 am, Mrs Craft will be a helping children aged between 6-12 years, to decorate a mosaic tile. On Tuesday and Thursday at 9.00am, she will then teach them how to make jewellery and complete a scrapbooking page. Remember to bring your owns photos.

To register you must contact the library reception on 1234 123 123.The cost is $15.00 per session, with morning tea provided. Spaces are limited, so be quick to register your interest. These activities are proudly supported by the local United Church.

Welcome All Patrons

The Brookville Libary has just moved to new premises, due to expanding number of people in our beautiful community. Everyone is welcome to join the library and membership is free. All members must show proof of ther current residential address.

Did you know that the library offers a great range of facilities. These include photocopying, laminating and fax services. These incur a small fee.

The library offers fiction, including largeprint, non-fiction, talking books, magazines, CD-ROMs and DVDs.The junior section offers pre-schoolers a selection of bright and attractive picture books and for older children there is a great selection of fiction and non-fiction books.